Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: The Breakaway

I'd like to think I have the ability to be good with words. I love learning, I read more than most, I could spend hours and hours analyzing quotes/lyrics, but none of that has given me the ability to find any adjective that could remotely come close to describing this year. The lows and highs were so incredibly personal, they left marks that will ALWAYS be there- but words to explain that to anyone who didn't live through it with me....there are none. Even for those who were there- I fail to help them comprehend just exactly how those moments truly felt. Maybe it's something that isn't meant to be understood by anyone other than ourselves- but I do know that the people in my life have seen the effects those moments have had on me this year.

I actually had fun spending the 30 seconds mapping out this year on paper. It was interesting to see after the fact that without planning it- I drew my lows in the second half of the year, at the same point as the highs in the first half. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure some mental health professionals would eat that right up.

I giggled as I drew my 'new home' because that's truly about the size of the apartment I moved into at first.

 I felt my heart beat a little faster thinking about everything that Boston meant to me- that weekend reminded me that there is so much more out there.

My stomach growled thinking about NJ with the girls- and how Hollie's Fiance decided it would be a good idea to meet her best friends by greeting them with the largest red velvet cake EVER (smart man).

I'm grateful for Buffalo this year- the feeling of FINALLY breaking 90 in the half but then being able to go back and run some friends and family members in as they finished 26.2 mile treks.

I smirked thinking about the lemon drop martini's I drank while stranded in Chicago, and the shots of Whiskey I did in the airport on the way home from that same Midwest trip.

I even laughed at just how bad the month of July felt for me running wise- worst 5k and 10k times in YEARS. Humbling yes, but a good catalyst for change.

I remember how nervous I was doing my first few big workouts that coach gave me, and how invincible I felt after succeeding at them.

I can still see Britt and Heather jumping up and down like they were doing Zumba cheering for me along side the Erie Canal during Rochester Marathon. I am still overflowing with pride running the last bit of the marathon with my sister and watching her crush her PR and nearly BQ.

I choke up thinking about the home stretch of Empire- and how overwhelming it felt in every way possible. I can still feel the thick tape consuming me as I crossed the line.

My heart still melts hearing my nephew recognize me as 'woo woo', I'll actually be sad when he can pronounce it properly.

I can still feel every emotion from Memphis. Finally meeting a great friend and training buddy in person. Images of the race, the taste of the BBQ, Beer and Bourbon while celebrating, and the sound of my dad and I laughing hysterically.

I remember the hug I got the following day, from an old friend turned new friend...a hug that reminded me of the same one she gave me in 2011.

These are the things I'll look back on this year and remember. The other stuff is just white noise.

What actually changed from last year to this year?
Living with someone in a house--->Living in dorm room sized apartment--->Creating a HOME in a new place

{"Now put ya hands up"}

Inconsistent in most aspects of life--->Consistent in quite a few aspects of life 
{Creating/Keeping GOOD Habits}

Working 1 Full time job 40 hrs/week--->Working Full time & Part time jobs totaling 50-70 hrs/week 
{I thrive when I stay busy}

Limited family time---> Regular Family time
{Love these crazy people}

In Running...
3:13 Marathoner--->3:04 Marathoner 
{2 Minute drop/7 Minute drop}

Self-Coached Athlete----> Coached Athlete 

1573 Running Miles---->2093+ Running Miles 
{Helllooooo consistency}

1241 Biking Miles---->200+ Biking Miles 
{Cut out Triathlons this year to FOCUS on running}

90+ Half Marathoner--->Sub-90 Half Marathoner 
{FINALLY broke that barrier!}

I can't wait to see what challenges, changes, and choices 2015 has to bring.

Happy New Year:)


  1. Happy new year. You had one heck of a year and accomplished so much with all the downs that happened! Can't wait to read about your adventures next year.

  2. What a year! Even though you had some challenging times, it's great that you can look back and see so many positives and highlights. I often think that going through adversity makes you stronger and better able to reach new highs and this post is a perfect examples. Congrats on a great year!

  3. I'm really proud of everything you have done this year and how you reacted. You are truly incredible Laura and I'm honored to have you as a Bridesmaid and a best friend.

  4. You had one hell of a year, love the way you drew it out. Cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for you.

  5. Happy New Year girl! You need to frame that drawing, it's a masterpiece :)

    What an amazing year for you, so many highs and lows...truly a roller coaster ride. You came through with flying colours though and are primed for every success 2015 has in store for you. Just keep working your ass off like you always do and take the time to learn from your past and your future will be brighter than anything you could imagine!

  6. I love the way you drew out your year! And the last part about what changed from the start to the end of the year is a really great way to look at it - I might have to do my own.

  7. Amazing year Laura! And a strong finish :). Your awesome. I know we say this every time - but this year let's get a few runs in together!

  8. I got a little teary eyed reading this, to be honest. I am so proud of the way you handled everything that was thrown at you this year <3<3

  9. Stay Busy, Stay Strong, & Live In The Moment!! Happy 2015 Kid

    1. Its the 26th & wanted to check in. Hope you are well. Cheers

  10. What an amazing journey you had last year. Your highs were incredible and your lows taught you things that helped you accomplish your highs. It's been fun to follow along! Looking forward to seeing what 2015 will hold for you! xoxo


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