Quick Run-Down
Monday: Unplanned Rest Day
Wednesday: 4 mile easy run
Thursday: 12.2 miles
Friday: 4 mile easy run
Saturday: RICE
Sunday: 20.25 mile long run,
Total Run Miles: 49
Total Cross Training Time: 0 (yes.0)
I said after
last week that I wanted to try and push myself more. This was the week for it, it was a more aggressive week than I have been doing lately. Track workout, mid-week long run, and a 20 miler on the weekend...3 key workouts (
in addition to 2 recovery runs).
At some point in marathon training you hit a wall, not a brick wall and not even the wall that you may feel between miles 20-26.2.
You hit a wall that you are just plain old tired, that you want to nap every second you are awake. That was this week for me. It may have something to do with the fact that I have been
getting up earlier much more regularly or it could just be the training. Either way, I have been sucking down caffeine like its my job this week, and catching up on my sleep this weekend.
I have an "issue" (
not to be confused with an injury) right now. Friday I was planning on cross training after work, instead opted for a 4 mile easy run. I came back to a swollen and painful ankle. I was immediately a drama queen about it but then snapped out of it and told myself to start RICE. [no, not Chinese food....Rest.Ice.Compression.Elevation]
I kept my feet up the rest of the night Friday (even at the baseball game, no one was sitting in front of us), and slept in compression socks.
Saturday morning I cheered my man on at the Rochester Tri (
his first tri of the year after having 2 knee surgeries(3rd surgery this fall), I was one proud fiance cheering him on). After getting home around 12:30.....I put my damn feet up, wrapped my ankle in ice pack and proceeded to be lazy as all hell (a few episodes of burn notice, and a long nap) for the rest of the afternoon. At first I was bummed about needing to take a day off (I had a bike ride and some cross training planned), but slowly I realized my body needed the sleep and rest.
After taking it super easy Friday night and Saturday, I told myself not to make any definitive decisions on my 20 miler until I got up and saw how I felt this morning. I slept in which was great for my body, crappy for the temperature outside. I put the wrap on my ankle and decided to try the run, and bail if I needed. I didn't start until 10 AM so I knew it was going to get hot, and quick. I changed my route to hit less pavement. About half of the 20 miles was on grass, flat trail, and crushed stone. It forced me to run in places I don't like (the canal path is my nemesis) but I know that a little less pounding was key for getting the miles in. First 20 miler of the training cycle done, I swear the first always feels like the hardest. Longest run since
Cleveland, and I definitely felt it. Good news, the ankle held up pretty well and didn't hurt more than any other part of my body (my legs were shot at the end). I was a good girl and did 2, yes 2 ice baths after my long run.
I got off the pavement for at least half of the run, which got me a little dirty--oh well! |
It was a hard week running, but I got all my workouts in and I'm happy for that.
I got 0, yes 0 minutes of cross training in this week. After a boatload of it last week it was weird to go to nothing- but it just didn't happen. Monday I took an unplanned rest day from cross training because I was just plain old tired, and the rest of the week it just didn't work and obviously didn't cross train this weekend with my foot, it needed rest (
and despite what some think, cross training is NOT rest).
Am I concerned about my ankle? Yes. I'd be lying if I said it was nothing. But I am trying to be smart about it: anti-inflammatory, ice, compression, elevating it, and resting.
Was it smart to still do my 20 miler today? Maybe, maybe not. I promised myself I would stop if I felt any pain, and I didn't...therefore I didn't stop. I had to make a decision and I'm sure some will criticize whether I should have ran or not, but I did what I could and we will see how it plays out. I plan on playing this week by year and doing what I need to do to get to the start line as healthy as possible.
Next week
Supposed to be another higher mileage week, with some active cross training. Again, going to play it by year and see how I am feeling.
Leave Friday for vacation, and supposed to do RNR Virginia Beach Half-Marathon on Sunday.
Do you believe in RICE?
Rest versus Cross training....are you like me and believe there IS a difference?
While training for a race (any distance) do you tend to see a week or 2 in middle of training where you have significant fatigue?