Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ROC Training: Working My Way Back

This past week was all about changing things up and forcing myself out of this godforsaken rut I've been in. At the end of the day, while people can support you...you have to be the one to pick yourself up. So I grabbed my boot straps and did just that this past week. While I am not out of this thing yet, I am much closer than I was before.

Monday: 30 Minutes on Octane Cross Trainer, 40 Minutes of Core/Hips/Stretching & Rolling

Tuesday: 7.5 Hot easy night miles (still 85+ at almost 8 pm!) (7:58 pace)

Wednesday: Post work Track session, 10.25 miles total (4.25 of 'work')
[Warm-up, form/cadence drills on turf, workout, barefoot turf strides, cool down]
20 minutes core/stretch/roll at gym after

Thursday: 10 Miles between jobs on the canal path (7:41 pace) 

Friday: 5.15 Miles between jobs (7:48 pace) 
[Ran to the track, did form/cadence drills on turf, run a few easy laps and then ran home]

Saturday: 20.4 Mile Long run (14 of the miles on the actual marathon course) (8:03 pace)

Sunday: OFF

Total Running Miles: 53.3
ROC Training Miles: 413.3

I tried to mix things up a bit this week, and keep my body guessing what was coming and doing anything to keep my mind from getting 'bored'. Wednesday's track workout was such a mishmash of intervals but I loved it. Some intervals were at 5k pace, then threw in a random tempo paced mile, and then back down to 5k paced intervals. I really just needed to change things up and switching gears back and forth felt really good for my mind and my legs. I also extended my cool-down a bit on the track because the softer surface felt amazing. I need to try and get some softer surface runs in more often, my cranky calf really liked it.
View of Rochester from the top of Cobb's Hill...The start and finish point of Saturday's 20 miler
Thursday and Saturday were mental runs more than anything. We all know I love negative splits, it's my natural progression and I don't even have to think about it. I turned auto-pilot off this week, I forced some incredibly consistent runs. Thursday's 10 miler was a 5 mile out/back and I made my goal to run each half in as close of a time as I could. I ended up with 38:40/38:18, not too shabby for a girl who typically can't be consistent to save her life. Saturday's 20 miler was another consistent run, with each mile being in ~10 second range. I tell you what, those runs took some serious self control....mentally challenging more than anything.

Sunday was a complete 'rest day', although I feel like I can count putting on a bridal shower as workout. Lord, that was a long day but was so glad to be able to be there and help put on an important event for a good friend. Did I have moments of being a tad emotional...absolutely. But I am thrilled for my friend and cannot wait for her wedding come September. It happens to be the weekend after the marathon, which means I will probably celebrate even harder. Just a guess.
Love this girl, Sunday was perfect day for her Bridal Shower

I've also been working on 'the little things' trying to help myself...
1. Using my TENS machine in conjunction with a heating pad. This has made my calves feel a ton better after workouts, and I have also been using it on other areas as well. Everything is connected so just because one area is a bother doesn't mean that is the only thing to treat. In my head I'm singing the skeleton song they teach kids...the_____ connected to the __________. Well as runners we have to remember this too, it's all connected therefore if one thing isn't working properly...well you get the idea.

2. Ice baths, while this isn't new at all for me (I love them, I know I know...weird) I made sure to get in one quickly on Saturday after my 20 miler (and then followed it up with the TENS machine and heating pad)

3. Shoe rotation. This is something relatively newer for ME. The last few months I have rotated in some other shoes (Mirage, and Ride most notably) and having more supportive shoes on some days has really helped my recovery (and helps prolong the life of each pair of shoes). If you are interested in my current rotation just let me know, lord knows I can talk about running shoes for days :)

4. Taking time for non-running things. I'm filing this with these above things, because it is just as important for your health and running sanity. I've been taking time to unwind more, read a book, spend time with friends, meeting new people etc. I work a lot (understatement), add in training...and I don't have a lot of free time. So making the most of it is really important to me and I am trying to be better about it.

Overall, I'm on the upswing with things and very happy about it. I'm actively working on improving my quality of life instead of just letting things 'be' so to speak. I'm done saying 'it is what it is' about things that I can actually change. Some things deserve that phrase, but I have said it way too many times in the last 6 months about things that I absolutely have the power to do something about.

How many different types of shoes do you have in rotation? 

 What's been going on OUTSIDE of running lately?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 7....Anti-Training

Oof. Where to begin in describing this past week. I knew I wanted to take Monday off, and I knew that next week I wanted a cutback week.  I didn't realize how overwhelmed I felt with many aspects of my life and really needed to step back NOW. This certainly changed how the week went, cutback week came a week early.

Most days I'm a pretty positive person, life really is beautiful chaos. BUT, sometimes it's not beautiful, it's just effing chaos. Those are the times I want to chop my hair off, change my name, and go live in some hut in the mountains of a far off land. Luckily, I'm emotionally attached to my long hair right now, I can't change my name because Phoebe already took "Princess Consuela Banana Hammock", and I don't currently have the financial means to have lifetime supply of Guinness shipped to the mountains. Bummer, right?

So I did what any other person dealing with chaos would do....I deleted my training plan for the week, and decided to go with the flow. Life in the mountains drinking Guinness with a new identity will just have to wait, I've got a marathon to train for and a life to live.

This typically happens at least once in a training cycle where I just need to take everything day to day. Something incredibly freeing about crumpling up the schedule and throwing it over the proverbial fence for a neighbor to deal with. I remember doing this in late fall before CIM, and ended up having an incredibly amazing long training run at the end of the week. While I didn't run a kick ass 23 miler this weekend like then...I did get a lot of non-training things done (cleaning, laundry, organizing, moving the rest of my things, time with friends etc.). I got my act together outside of training, which is a necessity.

Some things about this week....
-I forced myself into bed at old-lady-o'clock almost every night (Friday/Sat were later)

-I tried not running, I tried easy running, I tried tempo run, I tried medium long run, and I tried racing...NONE (not even the rest) felt good. Yeah, one of those weeks.

-I tried increasing my caloric intake to focus on refueling

-I added an Iron supplement to my diet (this can/will take time to take effect)

-I tore my place apart cleaning/organizing/purging (this was much more therapeutic than one would imagine)

-I did a long overdue wine/girls night with my old roommate/long time friend.

-I experienced every single emotion to the extreme...many times.

-I tried Rock Tape for the first time (had used KT in previous years), and I do believe it helps my calf. So I'll have to order a few more colors so I can have some fun racing stripes until this thing is 100% healed.

-I moved the remainder of my things from the house to my apartment.

-I basically shut down marathon training this week....just for the week. Rochester, I'm still coming for you...that's a promise (not to be confused with a threat!).

-I went through times of struggling being alone, and being happy that I'm independent. Quite the conundrum.

Crappy Running Week + Personal life being messy + Cranky Girl stuff + Annoying calf strain + Physically Drained/Exhausted = Ka-effing-boom.
Friday's run with my good friend Joe takes the prize for best run of the week. 5 AM came quick, but it was worth it to get the miles in on the ROC course with good company. I'd say the run made me look a little better than the pre-run zombie on the left. 12+ morning miles later and I finally looked awake (and sweaty).

So yeah, that week. I'm glad it's done. Maybe it was the implosion that needed to happen to help me move forward with training and life. I ran the lowest mileage week since pre-Boston (by a LOT), but after three ~60 mile weeks in a row, it probably wasn't the worst thing. I am still growing as a runner (and person) and I am not a superhuman. Being able to sustain certain miles, and continuing to increase safely takes time. It's hard seeing numbers drop like that, but I know I have a really strong base right now and I can move forward.

I have goals for this coming week, many training related but not directly running related (that makes sense in my head, so just work with me here). I need to adjust my nutrition (I need to stop using busy schedule as an excuse to not cook/prepare majority of my own meals), I need to stretch/roll more, I need to be diligent about getting my strength training in, and I need to continue last weeks bedtimes (on a more consistent basis).

Running can and will feel good again, hopefully soon.

I'm working on finding the good in things, and believe that it can only get better from here.

Onward & upward friends (and back to training!)

Monday, July 14, 2014

ROC Week 6 with Mileage to Match

Phew, that week is DONE. This was just one of those weeks that I am glad is done, even though it wasn't all bad. In fact, running wise it was a really solid week, finally a week with my mileage starting with 6.

I slacked pretty bad with my core/strength training this week. Could I give some excuses, sure...but I won't. I could have made time or put the effort in. But the workouts and runs I did this week, I know I certainly wasn't being lazy by any means. Monday was a good non-running day, some easy time at the gym. Tuesday was double # 1 of the week for workouts, some easy miles in the morning followed by a great track workout at night.
Roadkill on the track after a hot speedy 4x800, 4x400, 4x200 workout
 The rest of the week was really spent running when I had the time. Some morning runs, some night runs and a second double that took place Saturday. Kind of a do what you have to do when you can do it kind of thing.

Sunday was  a great day spent at Musselman, I knew it was going to be a mixed-feelings day but it went really well actually. I had fun helping athletes out of the water, and then spending the rest of the day cheering with Michelle for Mike and the many other athletes out there. A little more on all of this tomorrow :)

30 Minute Spin after work
45 Minutes Core/Stability Training
5 Easy Treadmill miles before work (8:17 pace)
6.75 miles total at the track after work w/ 4x800, 4x400,4x200 
5.1 Easy/Recovery miles before work (8:17 pace)
8.19 Night time miles (7:54 pace)
6.4 Miles between jobs (7:33 pace)
6.4 Miles before work (8:03 pace)
7 Miles after work (7:44 pace)
16 Sunset Miles (7:51 pace)

Total Running Miles: 60.9 Miles
Running ROC Training Miles: 324.4

While I may have slacked on my core/strength training this week, I was much better about foam rolling/stretching and PT stuff. I know that I need it and I was better about making time for it, although I still have a long ways to go. I also invested in a few new things to help me in this area. Some new fabulous lingere for bedtime (aka some new compression things), as well as an electric pulse massager. I just got a small hendheld version, but it has 4 leads on it and it works really well so far. I bought it pretty cheap on Amazon, once I really start using it consistently and see if I notice any differences I will write more about it.

As for this coming week, I NEED to get back my core/strength routines and I want to continue with the extra attention to stretching/rolling. I have a massage scheduled for tonight, and I can't wait. I know that my legs have been working hard and could use some good old fashioned TLC :)  As for mileage this week, definitely be an increase but nothing drastic- I feel like the slow consistent increases in miles have really helped me stay healthier and where I want to be with training.

I'm going to mix things up a bit this week to help snap myself out of whatever funk this is. Maybe some new routes, or new workouts...and a possible race this coming weekend. I took a few weeks away from races because the last 2 just didn't go well and some time off was necessary. But I have a little fire burning right now that's leaving me ready to let loose a bit. So we will see what this coming weekend brings :)

How was your week?

Training "Funks", what is your go-to trick to get out of it?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Musselman Weekend 2014...a New First {DNS}

Well, it's here! Musselman weekend, the weekend I would have been completing my second half-Ironman. I decided a few weeks ago not to race it, because I've got other goals that require 100% focus.  If I'm being honest, even in the last few weeks I had thoughts about racing it again though. I know that I would be capable of completing it again this year, but I respect myself enough not to do it. I'm not trained at the level for it right now, I'd be frustrated not beating last years time, I could potentially get hurt...and this list could go on.

Guess what though, I'm going anyways.

I will be in Geneva this weekend, I will be at Musselman and I will be in that water come race morning.
I won't be dressed like this though...
While I respect myself enough not to race this weekend...I respect the race and the athletes enough that I'll be volunteering. I will be pulling athletes out of the water as they finish their swim. {which is fitting since last year one of these volunteers saved me from wiping out getting out of the water}

After that, I'll be cheering on athletes and supporting friends in anyway that I can. I'm excited to get to finally meet up with Michelle, Mike & Rhoda as it is something we have talked about for a while now! Mike is racing MM as his first half-iron and I know he is going to do great, I'll get to hang with the girls while he works his butt off!

This weekend last year I completed my first 70.3 triathlon. It was a great race, there were lots of funny moments, and in general I was incredibly happy with my accomplishment. Are there going to be some emotions this weekend for MANY reasons...you bet your ass there will.

2013:Goofy Grin in the beginning of the run
2013: Post race ice cream with Meg, was beyond grateful my family was there supporting me!
This will be my first ever DNS (because yes I had indeed registered for this already), but I know that it is for the best. My running is stronger than ever, and I'm enjoying being focused and motivated for 2 marathons this fall (Rochester in particular). I know it will still be a great weekend with new memories, friends (new and old), and giving a little back to the community :) I love volunteering and spectating at races- it's great to help and support others, the added motivation boost never hurts either :)

Have you ever DNS'd a race (not because of injury)?

Anyone else get motivated from volunteering/cheering at races?

Plans this weekend?

Monday, July 7, 2014

ROC Week 5: Training & Family Time

Another week come and gone already? I'm sure the holiday had something to do with making it fly by, but I'm ready for routine again. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time this past week and on vacation a few weeks ago.....but I'm ready for a return to some normalcy after the last few weeks of chaos. Give me back my routine of sleep/work/train{repeat} for a few weeks, and then I'll be begging for a change. Cue the "I can't get no, satisfaction" ....

So training this week, well it didn't go quite as originally planned but it worked out for the best. I was really good about getting some strength training in early on, as I knew I wouldn't once I got to my family's cabin later in the week (Unless you count lifting my peanut 15 month old nephew up and down).

Wednesday was the day I realized...I didn't want a rest day, I NEEDED one. I was sore and tired and generally knew it was the only thing that would give me a little help. So Thursday, I worked in the morning and then drove to the 1000 Islands to spend time with family...and didn't run or workout when I got there. *GASP*. It really wasn't that dramatic, it was more like... I got there and my sister and I were laughing and drinking a beer in the water within about 15 minutes. We ate a ton of food, drank red wine and Jameson, and laughed a LOT- Quality family time.

Our slice of heaven.
I had decided ahead of time I wanted to do my 20 on Friday since I wouldn't be racing like the rest of the world. I loved the thought of getting the miles in up near the cabin and with some fresh roads and scenery(and being able to jump in the lake after). That 20 miler ended up being the best one I have had, which is obviously a great feeling with it being the first one of this cycle. It wasn't perfect (Fueled by s'mores and whiskey the night before), but it wasn't forced and the pace came naturally as each mile passed.
Post-20 miler....Not too shabby having mom there when I was done, waiting with water and fresh fruit :) Spent some time in the ice bath (the lake) after the run, my legs are grateful for that!
Sunday, well....Sunday was incredibly productive- and by that I mean I laid around and read most of the day. I was kind of 'in a funk' for the day and really needed to unwind. I had a friend comment that I "hide it well" (referring to any struggles I have regarding the last few months). It's not that I'm hiding, its that I'm simply trying to move forward. I don't want to feel sad, or angry, or bitter...but yes there are days that happens. I'm human, I have a heart and yes I feel things regardless of how strong I try and be. So Sunday night I set out for a run to clear my head....16 miles later I felt 23590723x better. It happens.

3 Recovery Treadmill miles (8:17 pace)
55 Minutes Strength Training (Stabilizers & Core)

6 Mile run with a friend after work (7:41 pace)
35 Minutes Strength Training (Upper Body & Core)

Morning Track workout (5 miles total) [4x800, 1x400]
4 miles after work on treadmill (8:19 pace)
20 Minutes (Core/Stability)


20.25 mile Long run (7:37 pace)

3 mile Recovery run (8:09 pace)

16 Mile Sunset run (7:37 pace)

Total Running Miles: 57.3
Running ROC Training Miles: 263.6

Overall it was a good week, and also made me realize I need to adjust a few things with my training(more on this in another post).  Sure, things got changed around and some workouts shortened while some extended but ended only a few miles short of last week (not bad considering there was a rest day in there). The time spent with family, and at the cabin was also really good for me. A great way to unwind and step away for a few days while still getting training in. 
A few days with family to remind you what's important :)
As for this week, I'm looking forward to more routine. Goal is to continue with the strength training and consistent mileage. I'm rearranging things a bit for many reasons (mainly because I need to be sure I am getting adequate work AND rest).

How was your 4th?

Anyone else ready to get back into routine?

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