Friday, July 11, 2014

Musselman Weekend 2014...a New First {DNS}

Well, it's here! Musselman weekend, the weekend I would have been completing my second half-Ironman. I decided a few weeks ago not to race it, because I've got other goals that require 100% focus.  If I'm being honest, even in the last few weeks I had thoughts about racing it again though. I know that I would be capable of completing it again this year, but I respect myself enough not to do it. I'm not trained at the level for it right now, I'd be frustrated not beating last years time, I could potentially get hurt...and this list could go on.

Guess what though, I'm going anyways.

I will be in Geneva this weekend, I will be at Musselman and I will be in that water come race morning.
I won't be dressed like this though...
While I respect myself enough not to race this weekend...I respect the race and the athletes enough that I'll be volunteering. I will be pulling athletes out of the water as they finish their swim. {which is fitting since last year one of these volunteers saved me from wiping out getting out of the water}

After that, I'll be cheering on athletes and supporting friends in anyway that I can. I'm excited to get to finally meet up with Michelle, Mike & Rhoda as it is something we have talked about for a while now! Mike is racing MM as his first half-iron and I know he is going to do great, I'll get to hang with the girls while he works his butt off!

This weekend last year I completed my first 70.3 triathlon. It was a great race, there were lots of funny moments, and in general I was incredibly happy with my accomplishment. Are there going to be some emotions this weekend for MANY bet your ass there will.

2013:Goofy Grin in the beginning of the run
2013: Post race ice cream with Meg, was beyond grateful my family was there supporting me!
This will be my first ever DNS (because yes I had indeed registered for this already), but I know that it is for the best. My running is stronger than ever, and I'm enjoying being focused and motivated for 2 marathons this fall (Rochester in particular). I know it will still be a great weekend with new memories, friends (new and old), and giving a little back to the community :) I love volunteering and spectating at races- it's great to help and support others, the added motivation boost never hurts either :)

Have you ever DNS'd a race (not because of injury)?

Anyone else get motivated from volunteering/cheering at races?

Plans this weekend?


  1. Hope you have a great weekend cheering for your friends and all of the other racers! Can't wait to read about how it goes!!! I haven't pulled out of a race after registering but I have decided against registering for ones I had longed to do just because they wouldn't fit in with where I was fitness/life wise.
    This weekend we are having my oldest son's birthday party tomorrow at a place called fugitive beach. We have never been there but heard its awesome.

  2. I had to DNS 3 races due to my stress reaction. One was my goal 10K, and that really hurt. I volunteered at the registration table. The other 2 were a summer series I signed up for, and I volunteered at the finish line with water. I think it's great to go anyway and volunteer, the races always need more volunteers and it's good to give back but also be involved. Your running is going great right now!

  3. You are making the right decision, obviously. I DNS'd Marine Corp Marathon in 2010 due to injury and after I made the decision I felt so much better. Relieved. The fact that you are going to volunteer is outstanding and I'll bet you'll really love it!

  4. You gotta do what feels right - awesome your still going to volunteer tho! It's funny that the races I probably should have sat out on I've done well... and regular races have gone horribly. You never know how a race will go. I've only DNS'd once for that wind chilly freezeroo race... me and cold weather don't mix well.

    Have a great weekend in Geneva! I was just there last night for a wedding :)

  5. Enjoy! It's always fun to give back when you can. :)

    I'm running the Saratoga Springs half tomorrow. Going to treat it as a long run & use it for motivation!


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