Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Freezeroo 'Valentines' 8 Mile

This was actually my first ever 8 mile race, an odd distance but I really liked it. Was nice to run something different, a new challenge was my way of looking at it. That and, it was an automatic PR.

Luckily, the weather gods were a little nice this year(I have heard horror stories about this race in past). The sun was shining and it actually looked pretty outside. Granted it was still single digit temps with below zero wind chill, it could have been worse.

You can see everyone's breath, and also me looking like a twerp fixing my hair.
I did my warm-up with Joe and Laura and meandered around until start time trying to stay loose and warm.

First 3 miles I held comfortable relaxed pace, trying to brace myself for whatever the rest of the race might hold. I passed 3 girls in the first 3 miles which put me in 4th place.

When we got to the 'Edgemere section' (mile 4-5) the left side of my body was numb. You have water on both sides of you and no protection from the crosswind. I kept my head down and just tried to hold pace.

Once turning off of Edgemere, that cross wind turned into a lovely headwind (a cold one at that). The front side of me was numb, I tried not to look at my watch during this section. Granted I hadn't really slowed down, I felt like it with the wind. There weren't many people around me at this point so mentally I just kept telling myself to 'stay focused'.

The last mile was long and straight and slightly uphill but I was around more people which was good. I was still feeling decent and was able to pass a few more people including one more female to put me in 3rd.
Last stretch before final turn. I like this one and only am posting it because I look like I'm going to run into a pole, and well.. that would have been funny. (you know you would have laughed!)
About 1/4 miles until the finish I saw a girl ahead of me, I tried pushing and managed to close the gap quite a bit but she held me off. I'm still happy with 3rd place obviously, but had I passed her I technically would have won. The winner wasn't a part of the series, so beating the 2nd place girl(who is in the series) would have given me a win and extra points. I digress.

I finished in 55:18 which I was really pleased with. I know that I am capable of more, but considering the cold and the fact that I am not at my peak yet it's pretty damn good for me. I also keep reminding myself that I am using the Freezeroo series races as workouts, and come spring that is when the 'real races' and PR's will start for me.

After the race, I knew I wanted to get more miles in for the day to make it my 'long run'. I was a little ambitious(given the race and the weather conditions) and originally said 8 miles after. NO, I even knew that wasn't going to happen. So then I said OK lets do 4. When we got to the 2 mile I said, lets go to 2.5 which will give us 5(out & back). It was fine until turning around. I'm pretty sure Joe and Laura wanted to strangle me. We couldn't feel our legs or faces because of the cold, but we did it! Including warm-up, race and cool-down we got a little over 15 miles in for the day in that frigid weather!

My main thoughts on the race: Consistency and form. 
According to my Garmin my splits were 6:54, 7:03, 6:56, 6:46, 6:48, 6:55, 6:52, 6:48 which are pretty darn consistent even with wind. That made me happy, but so did my form. I have been working really hard on relaxing my form (I have bad habit of tensing up), as well as as strength training. I am seeing improvements because of this. As much as I detest the weather lately, I know that it has helped me mentally to push through and will make things even better come spring.

The next race in the series is in 2 weeks, Saturday February 22. It's a 10k race, hopefully I can pull off a good time and increase my standings within the series. I am also running Lake Effect Half marathon the following day. Basically I am torturing myself with back to back days of cold races, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? At least I will have some awesome people to hang out with (ahem Heather, Hollie, Britt!) after for a beer.

Winter races, love or hate?

Who else is doing Lake Effect??


  1. Winter races are TOUGH, but it sounds like you really did a great job! I'm not a huge fan of running any race in tights. Shorts just kind of get me in the racing mindset. I have done a couple of fun winter races, though, and they're a great way to stay motivated to do training runs during this yucky winter weather. Congrats!

    1. I totally agree, shorts are my 'racing' attire. Leggings are required when it's as cold as it has been though!

  2. Congratulations on your 3rd place finish!

    I like winter races, but winter races in SC are different than winter races there, as winter races are fun and bearable here with cool temps, unlike summer and (sometimes) spring and fall ones! You did a great job though, and your thoughts about winter races making you stronger for spring ones and PRs, are my thoughts for summer races here- it's just reversed :).

    I also hate running in pants/tights. We do occasionally have 20-30 degree mornings here, so I own them and I run in them when I have to, but not often. I am definitely a shorts and dry fit shirt kinda girl.

    1. Thanks Amy! Definitely agree on hating running in pants/tights.

  3. YESSS Lake Effect.

    Typical blogger comment for me to just comment on the very last line.

    Anyways that sounds like a good race and I'm happy it went better then expected. I did get a good lol out of your hair comment. For upstate NY and those conditions you had a fantastic race and I know it will get better in the Spring. I don't like winter races because I don't like racing in pants. haha.

    1. Thank you for following proper blogger technique.

      Pants suck. I want shorts again.

  4. Congrats on 3rd place and "PR". What a strange, but fun distance.

    1. Thanks Kristy! Definitely a different kind of distance but I didn't hate it.

  5. You had an awesome race! Nice job. I'm definitely glad we did the longer cool down, thanks for pushing us! Back to back races is tough - Hopefully the weather will cooperate that weekend. I'm over this winter stuff...I hate running in general in the winter, I hate wearing layers, I hate wearing socks!

    1. Glad we were able to get the miles in. 2 more weeks and the final freezeroo! Yeah running in the winter is not my favorite, I hate wearing layers, and I miss shorts. bad.

  6. I do not like winter racing at all. I have a 5K this weekend and the only reason I am running it is so I can get a race in before the 50K relay I'm running.

    1. This winter I have raced more than any winter before. As much as I despise it, I feel like these races are actually helping me just get hard runs in. But I certainly prefer EVERY other season more.

  7. Wow- very consistent splits! Great job racing in the cold. Your back to back race weekend coming up sounds FUN!

    1. Thanks Tia! The b2b racing weekend should be good. I'm planning on racing the 10k (depending on weather) and just taking the half as a long training run (miles before and after, maybe hitting the half at marathon pace?)

  8. Great job especially with the cold and wind. Winter races here I love, usually it is really nice weather 40/50s. there I think I'd be on the dreaded treadmill.

    1. 40s/50s sounds amazing right now. As much as I don't mind the treadmill, its getting the best of me this year for sure. I am ready to be outside!!!

  9. Love the mix up in the distance.... congrats on an awesome race!

  10. I've said this so many times on here, but you rock and are such an inspiration! All of this cold winter running is going to pay off big for you at Boston! II really can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for you! Great race :)

    1. Awe thanks Dani, that totally goes both ways! Boston is going to be awesome this year, can't wait to meet up!

  11. Seriously! What great training. I have not gotten my lungs used to running in the snow, but have been more active in the winter weather lately by default (the kids) and it's been great.

    1. I cant imagine the snow workouts you get in playing with the kiddos out there! I remember playing in the snow used to tire me out so much!

  12. Great job in that icy wind!! I hate the wind and would take the rain instead (most of the time)..
    Your series sounds so fun! There is a race series here that starts soon and I hope to get involved. I love the practice, you learn so much racing often.
    Good for you on finishing 15! Sounds like things are going well for you :)

    1. Thanks Raina! The series has definitely helped get me outside more and obviously helps with racing experience... I like that all of the races are different distances too.

  13. That is bitter cold! Congrats on your speedy 8 miles... awesome!! I'm excited to run some faster paces again... eventually. :)

    1. Thanks Laura! After this little one you are going to bounce back so strong, I just know it!

  14. Wow that looks cold! Congrats on a great race! I LOVE the pictures of you running! Your form is awesome!

  15. Great job Laura! It is so tough to run fast in cold air! And you finished strong too! It is harder to go faster at the end of cold races as its hard to get the cold air in once you are in oxygen debt, but you did fantastic!

    I do like winter races, but as I am all about performance, and trying to reach standards, I try to find races with better conditions so I can hit the qualifiers/run a PR. As I only race a few times a year, I am a bit more selective :)

  16. I can definitely tell your form is improving, look at those photos! You look so strong!

    I cannot wait until Sunday post-race beers, by the way. Judging by the weather forecast right now, we might be a hot (and wet) mess going somewhere afterwards... it'll be hysterical.

  17. Never thought of it as an automatic PR. That's a good way to think of it. Sounds like a real good race. Especially given the cold and wind.

  18. You are a total badass. That is all.

    Wait that is not all. I AM SO EXCITED FOR LAKE EFFECT!

  19. Winter races add adventure to your training plan. It's a fun way to get out and earn your Toughness points. I like them. Congrats on your 8 miler! Speedy!


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