Monday, December 23, 2013

"Down Time" Week 2 Recap

Week 2 of "off season"/"Down time"/"Recovery time"--whatever you want to call it.

Quick Run-Down
Monday: 30 Minutes Elliptical
Tuesday: 4 miles on Treadmill, 21 minutes Weights/Core
Wednesday: 45 Minutes Treadmill (5.57 miles)
Thursday: Christmas Shopping
Friday: 4 mile run (outside)
Saturday: 4.74 miles run (1.73 mile warmup, 3.1 mile race)
Sunday: Lazy day :)

Total Running Miles: 18.4 miles
Total Cross Training Time: 51 minutes

Slowly but surely I am starting to feel like a normal human being again, albeit a little softer than normal. Tuesday was my first run in 9 days, and I can tell you that the time off was needed. 9 days might not sound like a lot, but it was just what I needed. I didn't do a ton this week, but felt good to get some workouts in for sure. This "down time" is going to be really important for me- I love working out( I really do), but slowing down once in a while isn't all that bad either.

The last few years December has been my off season month (as I have been doing later fall marathons). In 2011 I ran 3.2 miles in the month of December, last year I ran 14. As of right now I am already over 70 for December. Yes running a last minute December marathon added to that, but I also feel that even if I hadn't done that I would still be over 14 miles for the month. The difference is, this year I am in a much different place.

2011 I was so burned out mentally and physically at the end of the year, I didn't want to think about working out or doing anything other than sleeping. Last year life was just messy, and I was also a little burned out from a crazy year.  This year, it feels great not to feel that way. I feel happy and proud of all I have done but I also don't feel completely drained and unmotivated. I'd like to think I played it smart over the course of this year. I took down time when needed, even if it meant losing mileage. I have really taken the time to learn what works for me and what doesn't and how I feel right now is proof that it paid off. My highest running mileage year ever, and I am finishing stronger and happier than ever- I'll drink to that.

A few scenes from the week for you, proof that I didn't just sleep the week away outside of work.
Friday night ran in shorts! This weather constantly changing is insane.
P.S. have I ever mentioned that I feel like a nerdy superhero whenever I wear my headlamp and reflective vest?
1.We're all ready for Christmas in our house, as well as winter training season. Both of our bikes are set up on the trainers in the living room- I should have put lights on the bikes!
2. I got a new pet. More on this tomorrow.

1. My Dailymile Secret Santa was awesome, Diane got me my 2 favorite S's!
Starbucks and Saucony
2. Speaking of Saucony- can we discuss my mom for a second, nothing like a mothers love telling a company what to do :)
3. My ACE Personal trainer card finally arrived.
Wait, did I ever mention on the blog that I passed?
Oh well in case I didn't tell you... I passed a few weeks ago!

I did meet all of my goals from last week, BUT I decided to share my reward with my man. Life is crazy and I figured we could BOTH use some relaxing time. Luckily I was able to get us the couples massage room (and I still get my normal LMT) for us today. We had  a great day date complete with a massage, lunch, movie and then relaxing at home. Was nice to slow down life a little, and I didn't feel one bit guilty about not getting a workout in.

Goals for this week
1. 3 Strength Training workouts. Super excited for this one, good motivation to get stronger. The H2B just bought a TRX system and we set it up last night. I plan on using this for at least one of the workouts this week!
2. 2 classes this week. I've been lame and missed PiYo the last 3 weeks and really need to get back to it. I miss it and so does my body. So PiYo on Monday night and some other class (most likely a spin one) by the end of the week!
3. Work on some blog changes/updates (some new tabs will be going in), as well as finish a few posts that have been sitting in drafts for eons.

Reward: Wine night- I legit feel like it's been forever since I had a girls wine night!

Do you feel guilty during "off season"/"Recovery"?

Are you ready for Christmas?

What is your favorite strength training exercise I should do this week?


  1. Sounds like a good week... Thats awesome that you are sharing your reward and doing a couples massage. I don't think I could ever get my husband to do a massage maybe someday. But I LOVE getting them.
    I think I am ready for christmas in the sense all gifts are bought and almost all wrapped emotionally I am far from ready.

  2. I need to take a rest/recovery week or two but with everything going on I need the gym for some stress/anger relief. I suppose when everything passes I can listen to my body a bit more.
    A massage is something I can get on board with though.

    What was your study method for ACE? I just ordered my stuff and don't know where to start-it's been a while since I've been a student ;)

  3. I was waiting to hear if you passed! I kept looking to see if I somehow missed it! Congrats!

  4. Congratulations on the ACE certification! I knew you passed because you mentioned it on Twitter so I don't remember if you said it on here or not, but congrats again :). I'm glad your cutback/easy week went well and think I kinda need the same thing before I start into heavy training again. I always feel kinda badass when I run with a headlamp, vest, or some sort of gear like that too, haha. But I usually don't since I can run during the day time. Just makes me feel hardcore!

    Good luck getting in the classes and weights workouts this week!

  5. My December running mileage is normally similar. I just realized I haven't logged any December runs yet this year though. Oops! I do really think taking a few weeks super easy doing whatever workouts you want to do is key to having a strong and healthy upcoming year.

    Congrats on the ACE certification! Are you planning on teaching or training with it?

  6. I'm glad to hear you are recovering and feeling better. I am sorry to hear that your gym is being taking over by LA fitness. Hopefully you will still be able to get some good workouts at the other gym.

    I am curious to hear about your plans with certification.

  7. Congrats on passing your ACE certification! (I think you tweeted about it, I'm sure I knew this already, and congratulated you, but if not.....)

    The weather here is so goofy too. Shorts and t-shirt weather (upper 60's), Saturday and Sunday, but today was back to reality. Boo.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  8. Congrats on passing!! I've been feeling guilty for not working out as much this month but I know it's for the best. I think once I find my groove, I will be able to jump right back in and hit the workouts hard.

    Happy Holidays!!


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