Monday, October 6, 2014

Next: ends with a T as in.... TENnessee.

This year has been nothing as I had planned going into it. Life changes, personal changes, training happens. After Boston things really changed with my running. Consistency, solid training, hacking my race calendar (cutting out tri's mainly), and focus led me down a solid road to the fall season.

Rochester Marathon came and went, well...kind of. 16 weeks of training and then 3 hours, 11 minutes and 43 seconds of racing and then it went. It just didn't 'go' quite as planned.

Let's call this year a marathon repeat of 2013. Spring Marathon (no PR goal, but solid time), early fall marathon PR(but finishing with a little bit of 'what if?') followed by.....late fall marathon for 'one more strike while the iron is hot'.

2013: # 5 Cleveland (3:25), #6 Wineglass (3:17*PR), #7 CIM (3:13*PR)
2014: #8 Boston (3:20), #9 Rochester (3:11*PR), #10 Memphis Marathon

I'm sure some of you are shaking your heads. We all know I love this distance, and I am a stubborn goal driven person- but you can't tell me this actually surprises you.

After Rochester, I had that 'unsettled' feeling in my stomach like I did last year after Wineglass. Of course happy for the PR, and solid race plan execution but that same "I didn't meet my goal" kind of thing. Last year that goal was 3:15 because of a sponsorship I was vying for. So, across the country I went 9 weeks later...and sub 3:15 I went (although, the sponsorship still didn't happen as the time standard changed).

This year, Sub-3:10 was that goal. Not for a sponsorship, not for some qualifying standard- but for ME. Obviously that didn't happen at Rochester but some of the factors were things I couldn't control (rain, wind, humidity etc.)but also some that I could control (and know I can change). So there next to the post-race Guinness and KitKats sat "I missed my goal by less than 2 minutes". I may have digested the chocolate and beer by now, but not the feeling of "what if".

Remember when this tweet happened? Way back in July- Like I said... I've been "in it" for this race since well before Rochester. But yeah, missing my goal in Septemeber certainly added some fuel to the fire.

I applied for entry into Memphis back in the Spring. I was interested in the race originally because I knew some people in the area, and well- that always makes running more fun. I had also met qualifications(sub-90 half was one of them) to be granted the title as one of the "Elite" women in the race. While things may have changed since then- I wasn't ready to just throw this chance away. We get one life folks- and right now I have the ability to allow running to be a huge part of my life. I'm truly grateful for that too.


While in recovery from Rochester there was a lot of back and forth about Memphis. Going around and around with my coach, friends, family and also within myself. Is it too soon? Is it too much? Is it worth it? There were some concerns, but also a lot of "well, what if's". So we decided to strike while the iron is hot. I feel good, and I feel like with some more solid training- lining up in December could be a really good thing.

Coach and I laid out a 'loose' plan for the next 12-14 months, and taking one more stab at it this year actually fits. But this is it-next year is a whole new ball game.  As much as I love the distance, I can't just run one whenever I want and expect to improve like I know I am capable of.  So next year- two marathons. Boston for a COURSE PR, and an undecided mid-to-late fall marathon for a big PR attempt. I'm really excited for next year and the plans we have and the changes that will be made. It's time to start reaching for the next level, and training accordingly.

But for now- I've got one more shot this year at the marathon and I am going to take this amazing opportunity I have to do so. Obviously- I'm smart enough to know I can't guarantee that Memphis will be the PR I know that I have in me. But I also know I'd regret not trying.

Seeing as this is the third time I have done 3 marathons/year I have a little experience. 2011(8 weeks apart), 2013(9 weeks apart) and now 2014(11 weeks apart), but luckily this year- I have a lot more help. I have a great coach whom I trust to guide me and help me follow a plan to get to the start line on 4th/Beale as prepared as I can be. I have great friends to support me and help me as I dive back into training one more time this year. So I won't exactly be flying by the seat of my pants as in the past- but it certainly will keep me busy for the fall (which, I LOVE).

So, two months from today I will be running Marathon number TEN in Memphis, TENnessee. Cute coincidence.

Last year the race was cancelled due to freak weather (as was Dallas Marathon)---[I actually remember sitting in my hotel room with Heather going "please don't let ours be cancelled too"- obviously our race stayed on but it WAS unseasonably cold (Snow on buses, ice at water stops, and general stupid cold for CA). That was just a weird weekend for weather around the U.S.]. So this year I gather many of last years would be participants will be there, so fingers crossed for better weather and a great day for everyone :)

So here we go again, I'm VERY excited to get back into routine. Get back to the training and the grind. Back to the running with a purpose and focusing on my goals. Hi, my name is Laura and I am addicted to running towards goals. Memphis is supposed to be a great race, all for a great cause and in a very cool city. It will be a great weekend away in December, looking forward to every second of it!

Anyone else running St. Jude Memphis Marathon/Half Marathon or Relay?


  1. I can't wait to see how you do :). I think you can do it, especially with having a coach- you are a super strong runner anyway. It's gotta be nice to have the workouts off your plate so you don't have to think about your own training, you can just do your training. Congrats on making it into the elite corral there and I know it will be a big adventure :)

    1. Thanks Amy Lauren! Having a coach decide workouts etc is a HUGE stress off my plate. I go out and do what he tells me to without having to overthink everything. Hope you are well lady!

  2. That has to be a sign ;) AND you have that extra determination from unfinished rocky with the "stuff" in the basement....if you haven't seen rocky 6, watch it!!!! You have come a long way Laura, and I am glad you are doing this for YOU instead of for anyone else, that is how you will run the best. Cant wait to see how you get on :)

    1. Thanks Tina, definitely a good sense of 'unfinished business'- been there before and it helps big time!

  3. OMGGGGGG. YESSSSS!!! I am so freaking excited for you! Memphis is an amazing marathon. So freaking excited for you, but even more excited you'll be in my citayyy. I'm running the half!

    1. Yessss! I was wondering if you would be there since I knew you lived down there now!! So excited, oh girl you are going to kill that half!!

  4. Running goals are totally addicting- I get that. :) Excited for you to run again so soon!

  5. I appreciate how reasonable you are about Tennessee. I really do, I go through the same inner battles with my own races myself. Glad you're going for it, whatever the day gives you, you will accomplish amazing things.

  6. How exciting!! I love your dedication and drive and know that you do have this in you!!! Can't wait to see how you rock marathon #10!!

  7. Woohoo. I am not running it, but a ton of my blogging buddies do it every year and LOVE it.

  8. I think this is the start of something great. I think you are going to do awesome things in your future with racing. I know you are going to get revenge on so many levels with your running and I cannot wait to see how Tennessee goes for you.

  9. Me, me, me!!! I'm soooo excited you are running this race! And as an elite??? I'm going to need your autograph! ;-) I can't WAIT to meet you in Memphis!!! :-)

  10. Yay on getting to run the race as an elite! I have read many blogs on people who have ran the race and I do think it will be on my race bucket list some day.


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