Friday, April 26, 2013

Luck 7's Workout & Weekend Race Preview

Since someone decided to call the show "Hoarders" on me, I wont be able to post for a while because I will be filming the episode "Hoarders: Sneakers & Swag, when runners go wrong".

Okay, not really. 

BUT I did have a lot of people tell me I have a lot of stuff after yesterdays Gear Inventory post. I know it's true, and there are days I wonder whether a drug or alcohol habit would be cheaper (mehhh maybe?) but it sure wouldn't be as fun, or healthy. So for now I'll leave my veins alone and continue to collect shoes, race gear, and bulk fuel products.

Moving on.

Yesterday's workout
Lucky 7's workout. 
This is my 7th pair of +Saucony Kinvara's
7 miles.
7:07 average pace.
Okay it wasn't planned that way but it's how it happened,
& you don't see this girl complaining.
Splits: 7:46,7:15,7:11,7:13,6:49,6:48.6:46
This Weekends Schedule
Practice bike mounts/dismounts
Practice transitions
Short easy shake-out run
Flower City Duathlon
(5k run-20 mile-bike 5k run)
I don't want to discuss how nervous I am for this, it will be my first duathlon.
Assuming I don't die Finish
I'll have a full recap next week
Full of all my rookie mistakes I'm sure to make.
Flower City Half Marathon
I have to run miles before 
& after the race to make it longer run
I don't have a time goal
as I don't know how my legs 
will feel after the duathlon,
and this isn't a goal race.
Look at this HM as a one-night stand
just another notch on the belt for experience.
Bad analogy? 

Also this weekend I get to work on lots of things around the house. One of the roomies moved out which means I will finally have a place for all of my things. As I said in the post "We Carry On" life is anything but simple right now and I really need to get organized and have a place for myself. I can't move all of my stuff out of the garage yet, but I can get cleaning and figure out what I want to do with the room. It's going to become a guest room/office/Laura-cave, so many ideas to play with!  John put an app on his I-pad that is going to help me make a great room. Check out Homestyler, amazing and free. Winning.

What do you have going on this weekend?

Any races or long runs? 
(if so GOOD LUCK!)

For those of you who have done a duathlon/triathlon before, what rookie mistakes did you make your first time around, or have you seen being made?



  1. Good luck this weekend! That's a lot of racing. I hope your duathlon goes better than you're expecting! I'm just running the 10k tomorrow morning at conferences. Then I'm moving on to bigger and better things, like road races :)

    1. Good luck at the 10k! I also hear you'll be seeing Hollie this weekend, have fun!

  2. You'll do great at your du! I can't wait to hear about it. I have an 8k 'race' tomorrow but being that I was just sidelined with one hell of a cold I'm just running it for fun with a friend who is in town from Colorado.
    It's the most popular race in Madison, WI every year. I've never done it since the $ goes to the UW's athletic dept (who does NOT need it...) but I finally bit the bullet this year :)

    1. Good luck at the 8k! Have fun with it and enjoy the time with your friend! I don't always like where the money from races is going but hey, it's a race and you'll have a good time either way!

  3. Good luck at your Duathlon!!! Can't wait to read about it!

  4. Good luck this weekend! I've got no advice since I've never done a duathlon. There's a local one in my area that I've been thinking about. Last year is was a torrential downpour so I'm glad I didn't do it then.

  5. I really enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love that you're getting organized and creating a space for yourself.


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