Friday, May 31, 2013

Hollie's fast and I'm a Celebrity on a roll....

I can't believe it's Friday already, I know it was a 4 day work week, but still!

I was originally going to post my Wineglass Sub-3:20 goal post today but 1. it's still 20 miles long of a post and 2. I have some fun things to catch up on here instead....

First and foremost, I need to send a SUPERSIZED shout out to my best friend Hollie. It's no secret how having this girl in my life has made me better. She inspires me and supports me and we have so much fun together. While on a run one time, Jen and I were trying to tell Hollie how awesome she would do in a marathon (she's going to demolish any of my times, and I am A-OK with that!). Hollie applied for the 2013 NYC Marathon with her super-speedy half marathon time. SHE GOT IN.I can't tell you how excited I am for her, NYC Marathon being her first...EPIC. Heather and I are going to road trip down and make sure she hears our cheers over the thousands of people around us. I can't wait to watch her kill it and show NYC what she is made of!

 Let me tell you, some people describe celebrity status as movie stars, musicians, Pro-athletes....not in my book (okay yes, but not today)....because this week I became a celebrity (in my own book) with Saucony (and we all know how much I love them...) and with a Runner's World writer.

Remember when I bought my new Kinvara 4's a week early, and had to joke around with "getting them home safely?", Saucony decided they liked that photo much that they shared it and posted it themselves.
The FB post: almost 3k likes, and 243 shares....and that isn't including the twitter post  with retweets and favorites.
This gets celebrity status in my eyes. Thanks for showing the world I am a Saucony Fanatic, something I am definitely okay with everyone knowing.

 And my second celebrity status came from Runner's world writer Meg. I seriously wish I had her job; but that would imply that I could write properly, and that people want to read what I write. But anyways, fact is...she liked my "Flashback Friday" Post I did which talks about my journey as a marathoner (Marathons 1-5). She liked it and shared a link to it on her blog (her blog that probably gets 20k hits a day...). Today she posted "Friday Faves", which shows the cover image of the Boston Edition of Runners World (sweet!!), she shares the "prancercise" video which has been going viral, and a small link to my blog post (yay!!). Thanks Meg!
Love this cover shot!
My workouts this week have been really good, and to be honest I couldn't be happier about my motivation level. I had said many times the last few months that I just was unmotivated and really struggling with training, good news is....I'm on a roll right now and motivation is definitely not lacking!

I'm really working on mixing things up right now, as the next 6.5 weeks are heavy duty tri-training time, and after that its 12 weeks of marathon training for Wineglass!

Wednesday night I did a tri (kind of), that was a longer distance than the actual tri I will be doing Sunday. (Sunday being my first official tri!).
1000m swim, 65 minute bike ride, and a easy 4 mile run...
Last night I swam at the pool, and then headed to Conesus Lake to visit 2 friends of mine so I can borrow her wet suit for Sunday. Her hubby talked me into getting in the water with him to swim, so 2nd swim of the night and in open water!
1st Swim in the lake of the year! We didn't really need the suits, water wasn't that cold but it helped to practice with the suit for Sunday.
Then last night when I got home I continued my #RWrunstreak by running 8 miles in the heat and humid night time. Sweaty is the only way to describe it.

I'm really happy with how I recovered from the marathon and how I have been getting back into the swing of things. It makes me excited for the races I am doing this summer and fall, bring it on!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Who is racing this weekend?

Any tips for a first-timer at a tri?

Have you ever had a huge motivation boost happen all at once?


  1. That's awesome that your picture got picked and shared by the company! Have fun this weekend!
    I won't be doing any races for quite some time:(

  2. Girl you definitely ARE on a roll! Congrats on being recognized by Saucony and Runner's World!!! WOW! I need your autograph lol! Awesome job on the running and swimming! You ROCK sista!!!

  3. WOW! You are totally prepared for your first tri!! WAY more prepared than I am for my 63-mile bike ride for charity tomorrow. I have been super UN-motivated the last two weeks because of a spazz-ing back so I'm just hoping to make it through Bucks County and still be able to stand up vertically afterwards.
    Hope you are prepared for tons of new followers with all that attention! That's awesome. I know I'm a giddy moron whenever I get a re-tweet!! :)
    PS In my 6 years of tri-ing I still have yet to use a wet-suit! WERK IT!

  4. I saw Saucony retweet that instagram pic but didn't realize that it was yours! Good Luck on your Tri! Love how fast you recovered from the marathon.

  5. I would definitely call that celebrity status! ;-) And it's awesome you were featured on Meg's blog!! You're going to rock your tri! Two-a-days and going strong, girl!

  6. First and foremost, I AM REALLY UPSET THAT I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THIS!!!!!! Really upset. ha ha. Second, I'm excited to see how this tri goes for you and I know it will be awesome. You have plenty of tri's coming up and take this one with a grain of salt and learn the ropes. It's your first and I know you will have many more great to come.

    Also we need at least one date while I'm still in VA!

  7. I have no advice on anything TRI related. I'm in awe of anyone who does one. The whole open water swimming thing would mess me up!

  8. Ha - Nicely done. Love the Saucony pic! I'm sure you'll do awesome in the Tri! I hope to do one eventually, just need to get a bike.

  9. I am totally with you on celebrity. It's not movie stars - it's the fact that Kara Goucher once Favorited one of my tweets and I had a mental breakdown:)

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